Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

[L566.Ebook] Ebook Download Woodrow Wilson - Easton Press Edition, by Heckscher August

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Woodrow Wilson - Easton Press Edition, by Heckscher August

Woodrow Wilson - Easton Press Edition, by Heckscher August

Woodrow Wilson - Easton Press Edition, by Heckscher August

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Woodrow Wilson - Easton Press Edition, by Heckscher August

  • Sales Rank: #2108834 in Books
  • Published on: 1997
  • Binding: Leather Bound

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
The best single-volume Wilson biography/history
By Cory Geurts
Heckscher's work is perhaps the best single-volume Woodrow Wilson biography/history available. The book is lengthy and for the most part provides readers with plenty of depth and detail. It also includes several excellent photos. Overall the book is well written, and readers will notice both Heckscher's familiarity with Wilson and the amount of research he put into writing the book.

There are a few shortcomings however. A few topics seem to get treated with so much detail that one may have the feeling they are reading a dry reference book. With other areas, such as Wilson's state-by-state tour to drum up public support for the League of Nations, Heckscher seems to be gloss over much of the endeavor to the point of making the reader feel as if they are reading a condensed summary.

At the end of the book is an extensive bibliography, including brief comments about each work. This is a very handy resource for those who may want more info on a particular aspect of Wilson, the League of Nations, presidential incapacity, etc.

If you are a Wilson fan or a serious student of presidential history, then this book is a must-have.

For those who want to learn about Woodrow Wilson but don't want to read for a 743-page, 3-pound epic, I would recommend starting with H.W. Brands' "Woodrow Wilson" (part of "The American Presidents Series" edited by Arthur Schlesinger Jr.). Despite being much shorter at just 169 pages, the scope of Brands' book is comparable to Heckscher's. Brands' book is a more enjoyable and easier read, and yet it's intelligently written with enough detail to give you a good understanding of Wilson.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
An Aging Whitewash by a Wilson Advocate
By Catamaran'78
Oddly coincidental, the Woodrow Wilson Wikipedia page is apparently largely derived from this book. The Wikipedia page on Woodrow Wilson has about 128 separate references to an even wider number of pages in this book. I believe the essence of this book can be seen as a typical whitewashed biography of a 'great' American. Heckshur is full of excuses and rationalizations for Wilson's failures and bigotry, his tightening of federal segregation, failures at Versailles, all of which he readily provides excuses. You will not find mention that in the first month of Wilson being in office concerns by Wilson's conservative Postmaster of 'sharing of bathrooms' with 'negroes' in the Postal Railway Service required immediate action. The National Postal Museum website has a page on this, 'Woodrow Wilson:Federal Segregation' fortunately not subject to being scrubbed by the Wilson lovers at Wikipedia. Action on the Postal Service was taken with Wilson approval to tightly segregate the important federal agency as to bathrooms, wash basins and towels. Heckshur doesn't mention this, but notes the increase in segregation and air brushes it away, making excuses such as 'in accord with public opinion' or 'out of concern for his considerable legislative agenda'. No mention made that Wilson may have been just pandering to racists for his own political benefit. A great President leads and changes public opinion, tries to unite the nation, Wilson was doing the opposite, going the racist route within one month of taking office.

21 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
A "Near-Great" Biography of a "Near-Great" President...
By A Customer
The top five Presidents in American history are called "great" Presidents by historians, and the next five Presidents are usually referred to as "near-great". Woodrow Wilson, our 28th President, is usually placed into the near-great category. "Near-great" Presidents are those leaders who accomplished many of their goals, but fell just short in one area. And "near-great" is also how I would rate this biography by August Heckscher. It is easily the best one-volume biography of Wilson to appear in many years. Heckscher writes eloquently of Wilson's troubled childhood. The first President from the South since the Civil War, Wilson grew up in the shadow of his domineering father, a well-known and intimidating Presbyterian minister in some of the South's largest and wealthiest churches. The elder Wilson expected nothing less than perfection, and his son often had a difficult time meeting those expectations. As a result he often turned to his doting mother for emotional warmth and support, and as Heckscher notes, he would always be extremely dependent upon the support and encouragement of women to boost his self-confidence.

Not surprisingly, perhaps, Wilson still grew up to resemble his father, for good and ill. On the positive side Wilson was strong-willed, extremely intelligent, ambitious, idealistic, and an eloquent orator like his father. But on the negative side he could be narrow-minded and self-righteous, humorless (at least in public), inflexible, and prone to making enemies. His health was also poor, and it can be persuasively argued that he suffered two major strokes before assuming the Presidency - once in 1896 and another in 1908. However, neither Wilson nor anyone else recognized them as strokes, but instead he regarded them as "nervous breakdowns". The first and only President with a Ph.D (in political science) Wilson enjoyed a distinguished academic career, first as a professor at Princeton University and then (from 1902-1910) as the President of Princeton. Wilson transformed the sleepy, laid-back campus into the distinguished university that it still is today, but his domineering leadership style earned him many enemies, and Wilson eventually quit after losing a bitter battle to change the living and social conditions on campus by forcing the wealthier students to live and work with the less well-to-do. In 1910 the corrupt Democratic bosses of New Jersey were looking for a "respectable" candidate to run for Governor - someone who could legitimately run as an "honest" candidate while being weak or naive enough to remain under their control. In Wilson, a nationally known college president and intellectual, they thought they had their man, or rube. Wilson accepted their offer, won the election, and then dramatically turned against the bosses, leading a major effort to clean up New Jersey politics. His about-face won national acclaim and helped make him the Democratic presidential candidate in 1912. In one of the nation's most colorful and historic presidential races, he defeated his two opponents - President Taft, the Republican candidate, and Teddy Roosevelt, the third-party Progressive candidate - and became President.

During his two terms as President, Wilson passed major domestic legislation such as giving women the right to vote, ending child labor, and improving safety conditions in factories and mines. He also endured the crushing death of his first wife from kidney disease, quickly remarried a year later, and tried desperately to keep the nation out of World War One. In 1916 he barely won re-election in a race that was so close the winner wasn't announced for several days. In early 1917, after German submarines began sinking unarmed American merchant vessels, Wilson convinced Congress to declare war on Germany and the nation entered World War One. At the end of the war in 1919 came Wilson's greatest failure. Determined to bring about "world peace", Wilson helped create the League of Nations to peacefully settle disputes between countries. He knew, however, that without US membership and leadership the League would be useless. Unfortunately, Wilson's domineering leadership style as President had alienated the Republicans and even some members of his own party in Congress. Led by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, they were determined to defeat Wilson and prevent US entry into the League. To gain public support for his cause, President Wilson went on a nationwide speaking tour by train. But in early 1919 he suffered a massive stroke that nearly killed him. He was not able to return to work for months (his second wife and staff kept the news from the public, and his wife was in many ways the "acting President" during this period). Wilson never regained the full use of his body or speech, and Lodge and his allies were able to easily defeat the League. An invalid, Wilson died in 1924 after predicting that the US would pay a huge price for its' failure to join the League, which was proven true when the League proved to be powerless to stop Hitler's rise to power in the 1930's.

Heckscher eloquently lays out these details (and many others) about Wilson's life and career. However, the book fails to turn up any original or new insights into Wilson's life and character that previous biographies have not already discussed. Additionally, Heckscher largely ignores another dark side of Wilson's life - his strong racist beliefs regarding blacks. Wilson's low opinion of African-Americans has been an ugly blot on his Presidency that many historians chose to ignore until the 1990s, and Heckscher would have been well-advised to at least mention in some detail this flaw in his character. Among other things, Wilson as President went out of his way to enforce segregation in previously-integrated federal departments and agencies, and many black workers were fired or given lower-paying manual-labor jobs. Despite this flaw, however, this is still an excellent and detailed account of a high-minded, well-meaning, but ultimately flawed and tragic President. Recommended!

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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

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The adventures of the three musketeers of the king, and their friend D´Artagnan trying to solve the problem of the necklace of the Queen.

  • Published on: 2014-01-03
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 784 pages

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Christy Monson
Great gift

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Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

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Feminist Challenges: Social and Political Theory (Routledge Revivals)From Brand: Routledge

In Feminist Challenges, first published in 1987, new and established scholars demonstrate the application of feminism in a range of academic disciplines including history, philosophy, politics, and sociology. As Carole Pateman notes in her introduction, ‘all the contributors raise some extremely far-reaching questions about the conventional assumptions and methods of contemporary social and political inquiry.’

  • Sales Rank: #9872754 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Routledge
  • Published on: 2013-04-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.75" h x 5.75" w x .75" l, .95 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 228 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Carole Pateman is Professor of Political Science at UCLA and Honorary Professor in the School of European Studies at Cardiff University. Her publications include Participation and Democratic Theory (1970), The Problem of Political Obligation, 2nd edition (1985), and The Sexual Contract (1988).

Elizabeth Grosz is the Julian Park Chair in Humanities at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

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Angels and Demons Book Two: Encounters in the Unseen Realm (Pocketbooks) (Volume 3), by Michael Van Vlymen

Angels and Demons  Book Two: Encounters in the Unseen Realm (Pocketbooks) (Volume 3), by Michael Van Vlymen

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Angels and Demons  Book Two: Encounters in the Unseen Realm (Pocketbooks) (Volume 3), by Michael Van Vlymen

Angels and Demons - Book Two is the continuation of stories about real encounters of powerful angels and deceiving demons. For those who believe in or "walk" in the power of God, these stories may sound like pieces of your own life... To others who have not experienced these things they may sound a bit strange and over the top. No matter how unusual these stories may seem, there is even greater to come....

  • Sales Rank: #866119 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-12-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.81" h x .13" w x 5.06" l, .14 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 56 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
More Radical Encounters in the Supernatural
By Author Matthew Robert Payne
As a person that interacts with angels often, one of my favourite types of books is on angels. Michael does not disappoint. It seems that these books, book 1 and book 2 seem to come from his journals that he keeps. I am not sure how many stories he has in his journals but I guess we will see more books in the future.

What I find most encouraging about Michael is his ability to admit when he messes up and does something that is wrong. Many of us mess up, but most people would not include that in a story we are sharing. This makes Michael more endearing to me, because as he mentions his mistake we learn the lesson that he learned if we are paying attention.

This book had some good stories in it. I like the story about the angel of the house when he was in Germany and the story of the angel of the hotel. I feel as people read more stories of angels that they can be assured that angels are in their lives too. I think one of the keys to seeing angels and interacting with them is to have child like faith and to have a very close relationship with Jesus.

I have to admit the demonic stories were a little scary. I can imagine encountering demons and satan's workforce but I guess I am not really engaging them. I have had encounters with demons and one day will write about them, but I am not very experienced in spiritual warfare like Michael.

Do you want your eyes opened you should check out this book as well as book 1

With love

Matthew Robert Payne

Author of 12 books on Amazon and five on Audible

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent reading
By Jas
I loved the way the author explains the topic..it's a must for anyone interested in the supernatural...enjoy the read..highly recommended

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Another great read!!!
By elizabeth
All Michaels books have so much insights and its great that he includes bible verses in every chapter along with his experiences!!!

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Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

[V986.Ebook] Download Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis

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Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis

Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis

Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis

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Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis

This richly illustrated and designed book in the "Architecture in Focus" series reconsiders critical regionalism and demonstrates the global viability of one of the most visible trends in contemporary architecture. As globalization increasingly enters every facet of our lives, its homogenizing effects on architecture, urban spaces and the landscape have compelled architects to embrace the principles of critical regionalism, an alternative theory that respects local culture, geography and climate. In this reexamination of critical regionalism, two prominent architectural critics argue for a truce between the seemingly antithetical philosophies of critical regionalism and globalization. The authors trace the genesis of critical regionalism to its ancient historical and political roots, and focus on its modern expression in the works of Alvar Aalto, Richard Neutra, Oscar Niemeyer and others. They point to the increasing use of the theory in the recent works of a truly global selection of visionary architects - including Santiago Calatrava in Spain, Renzo Piano in the South Pacific and Berger and Parkkinen in Germany. Discussions of Tropical Architecture and contemporary work in Asia round out this important contribution to a topical debate about architecture's role in the world.

  • Sales Rank: #2793682 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .64" h x 9.16" w x 11.48" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 160 pages

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Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis PDF
Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised World (Architecture in Focus), by Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis EPub
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Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

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Wrongful Conviction: International Perspectives on Miscarriages of JusticeFrom Brand: Temple University Press

This is a collection of essays that analyse cases of injustice across an array of legal systems. Differences in court procedure are explained as the contributors ask what role the respective criminal justice systems play in preventing or generating wrongful convictions.

  • Sales Rank: #5235589 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Temple University Press
  • Published on: 2008-07-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.00" w x 6.00" l, 1.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 326 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition


"An important step in showing that even the best criminal justice systems occasionally convict the innocent. Huff and Killias, two of the world’s most accomplished criminologists, have given us a collection of essays that are both first-rate and truly sobering"
—Michael L. Radelet, University of Colorado, and author of In Spite of Innocence

About the Author

C. Ronald Huff is Dean of the School of Social Ecology and Professor of Criminology, Law and Society as well as Sociology at the University of California, Irvine. He is a Fellow and Past-President of the American Society of Criminology and the author of numerous scholarly articles and 12 books, including Convicted but Innocent: Wrongful Conviction and Public Policy.

Martin Killias is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Universities of Zurich and Lausanne, and a part-time Judge in the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland. He received the Sellin-Glueck Award of the American Society of Criminology in 2001. He has been the first President of the European Society of Criminology, co-founder of the International Crime Victim Surveys, and Chair of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics.

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This Item were supppose to be sent to Myron Moton ...
By SarahSmile
This Item were supppose to be sent to Myron Moton DM 8775 not me, his mother! I hope he received it!

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Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

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Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems, 2nd ed, by Mike Tooley

An introduction to the principles of aircraft digital and electronic systems, this book is written for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline. Suitable for those studying towards licensed aircraft maintenance engineer status as part of an EASA Part-66 or FAR-147 approved course, or those taking Aerospace Engineering City & Guilds modules, EDEXCEL National Units, EDEXCEL Higher National Units or a Degree in aircraft engineering.

  • Sales Rank: #2570255 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, 1.43 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 264 pages

About the Author

Mike Tooley has over 30 years of teaching electrical principles, electronics and avionics to engineers and technicians, previously as Head of Department of Engineering and Vice Principal at Brooklands College in Surrey, UK, and currently works as a consultant and freelance technical author

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Very easy to follow and very useful for quick references.

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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

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Discovery Girls Guide To Growing Up Everything You Need To Know About Your Changing Body, by Discovery Girls

Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up explains everything tween girls need to know about puberty in a straightforward and relatable way. By understanding what's going on inside her and knowing what to expect next, she'll spend less time wondering and worrying about what's happening to her body and more time enjoying the changes. She'll also learn how to handle her emotions and love her body (even if it's not perfect!) so she'll feel confident and ready for all the challenges of puberty.

Best of all, thanks to tens of thousands of girls who were brave enough to share their stories about pimples, periods, bras, emotions, and more, she'll know she is not alone.

  • Sales Rank: #105733 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-11-23
  • Released on: 2013-11-23
  • Format: Kindle eBook

This book answers all the embarrassing questions young girls will have about their bodies using straightforward and positive words. Growing Up can be used as a reference book or read through in its entirety. I do wish I had this book when my daughter (now 20) was a tween. We covered most of this material, but with this book it could have been much easier, more straightforward and much more thorough. Chapter 7 was the perfect ending. All girls compare them selves to other girls, especially the magazine and TV stars. It states that 60 percent of tweens get their ideas about right body types from the media. The book then analyzes how the top models use hair extensions, take hundreds of photos before choosing the right photo, and of course do lots of photo editing. Great book for any parent ready to discuss puberty with their young daughters. I'll be passing this one off to my friend with two daughters! -Academics Choice Awards Reviewer --AcademicsChoice.com

Comments from parents:

I'm very grateful that you've undertaken the enormous task of distilling information about growing up and puberty in a relatable way for tween girls. A comprehensive, must-have guidebook for every young woman. All the chapters have the same reassuring message in them: you're not alone and there are answers to all of the questions. Very detailed, well-researched facts, and statistics are reassuring when having to deal with the thought of puberty changes. I'm happy that this book is available to my daughter and her peers. It serves to educate and foster a sisterhood among young women. --Phyllis, mom of a 10-year-old, Ontario

I really like the positive focus and how the book reinforces that all girls go through this change but not all in the same way and on the same schedule, and that is just normal and fine. --Bonnie, mom of a 12-year-old, IL

The book flat-out told it like it was, including answering all the embarrassing questions that a girl might have but not want to talk to an adult about. --Rae, mom of an 11-year-old, MI

To be able to take a heavy subject matter and make it understandable and relatable to young girls is no small feat, but that's exactly what this book does, while simultaneously helping the girls mature emotionally and psychologically. --Catherine, mom of an 11-year-old, TX

I think it's excellent! What a wonderful resource for tween girls--one that complements my parenting so perfectly. --Bonnie, mom of a 12-year-old, IL

I like how the book emphasizes how each of these stages can be different for every girl. It normalizes puberty. --Anonymous, mom of a 9-year-old, British Columbia

This book is exactly what it needs to be--not something to be read beginning to end. Easy to pick up and put down, and then return to when needed. As a girl grows, she would refer back to the parts that relate. That makes it a good investment. --Anonymous, mom of an 11-year-old, ME

Well-written, very relatable to tween and early teen girls. It's non-threatening...and does a great job of 'normalizing' puberty. --Valerie, mom of an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old, MO

My daughter will be more ready to face puberty knowing that so many others have had the same concerns and that they lived to laugh through the challenges or were able to get through them. She would love the stories and the comments from the other girls. The book confirms what she already knows and also prompts her for things that she is not yet concerned about. --Anonymous, mom of a 9-year-old, British Columbia --Mom reviews

About the Author
Always real and always relevant, Discovery Girls magazine is created by girls, for girls. It honestly and helpfully deals with the issues, feelings, and fears that are really important to tween girls--issues like bullying, friendship problems, the fear of not fitting in, and the pressure to be perfect. By reading about the feelings, experiences, and fears they share with other girls, our readers realize they're not alone and learn how to get through difficult times, develop confidence and resilience, and above all, to believe in themselves.

Discovery Girls Inc. is honored to announce that Discovery Girls Guide to Growing Up: Everything You Need to Know About Your Changing Body has earned the prestigious Mom's Choice Gold Award®, a NAPPA Award, and a "Smart Book" award from Academics' Choice.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent springboard and resource to use within a school
By Natalie Wylde
As an intermediate teacher faced with girls on the brink of puberty, I decided to start a Girls Group at my former school that would cover topics such as puberty, health, emotions, self-esteem...etc. Our school did not have a prescribed program to use for this Girls Group, so I had to gather materials from a variety of resources. Recently, I started another informal Girls Group during my student's recess/lunch hour, and I have been able to use this book to guide our lessons. Many of the topics included in this book can be very uncomfortable for adolescents to discuss, especially with a teacher. This book allows us to break down those barriers because my students know that this book was written by girls just like them. Over the years it seems that many of the 9, 10, and 11 year olds I work with are developing at much earlier ages. Even though they are only in elementary school, it is so crucial for these young girls to be made aware of the changes that are taking place, and to know what to expect in the coming years. This book would be an asset for a Girls Group program like the informal one I have started. It would be beneficial if this book came with a prescribed program to use within schools, including activities to do in conjunction with the topics presented. Because the program I lead doesn't consist of a curriculum or program map, I do not receive funding for it. I'm hoping that in the years to come that I have a program designed, focused around Growing Up: Everything You Need to Know About Your Changing Body, to present to my building principal so that our program can be funded and the girls involved can each receive a copy of the book. Not only do I think that this book is important for a girls group, but I also think it is essential for every intermediate and middle school teacher to have a copy of this book in their classroom. With knowledge comes confidence, and this book gives my female students both!

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Such a Wonderful Teaching Tool!
By Maria
As a fourth grade teacher, I constantly keep my eyes peeled for books that will inform and inspire my students. I LOVE this book for teaching girls about their changing bodies. Everything is explained so simply with tons of drawings, photos, and anecdotes by real girls. It will help make puberty much less uncomfortable and scary than it might be otherwise. The message is empowering and comforting all at once. I wish I had had a book like this when I was growing up!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
You gotta get this for your daughter!
By Veronica Avila
My daughter and I loved this book! She read it in one day and found all of the information easy to understand and didn't have too many questions. As a parent, I really appreciated having this book as a resource to help me with explaining all of the changes her body will be experiencing soon. Will definitely recommend to other parents!

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