Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

[M809.Ebook] Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

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Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

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Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao

Tempo is a modern treatment of decision-making that weaves together concepts and principles from the mathematical decision sciences, cognitive psychology, philosophy and theories of narrative and metaphor. Drawing on examples from familiar domains such as the kitchen and the office, the author, Venkatesh Rao, illustrates the subtleties underlying everyday behavior, and explains how you can strengthen the foundations of your decision-making skills.

"TEMPO is one of the most insightful and original books on decision-making I've ever read..." -- Daniel H. Pink, author of DRIVE and A WHOLE NEW MIND

"An uncannily accurate analysis of our choice-making behaviors"

-- David Allen, author of GETTING THINGS DONE

"Tempo is a highly original and engaging book...In a world where timing is increasingly central to success, this is an essential read, not just for executives, but for everyone."

-- John Hagel, co-author of THE POWER OF PULL

  • Sales Rank: #297378 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-11-14
  • Released on: 2011-11-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

82 of 93 people found the following review helpful.
Off Tempo
By John
I wanted to like this book as I've been following the author's blog for a few months and generally find his ideas to be interesting. I cannot, however, recommend this book. The writing and layout of the book are stilted and the presented ideas are not as groundbreaking as the author thinks.

First, the writing in the book is not good. You will enjoy it if you like reading the typical academic paper that uses lots of jargon and fancy words to express ideas that could be more simply explained. One gets the impression that the author is smart, knows you know he's smart, and yet still wants to show you he's smart. Ugh. There are many paragraphs in the text that seemingly are there for clarity and exemplification of the ideas discussed, but they often exist as one off explanations that do not build into any larger story. To riff off the author's ideas, they are notes in a piece of music waiting for resolution.

The layout of the book is like a dissertation (an observation my wife made as she leafed through the pages). It actually leads to a cluttered reading experience as each subheading within a chapter is given a number, and then each sub-subheading is given its own number. The book is 150 pages long, would it be difficult for me to find what I'd need to without these numbers?

One might say I struggle to find something to critique by pointing to the numbering of the chapters, but as the book itself notes, these subtle choices make an impression (often subconscious) on the energy or 'tempo' of a story. Ironically, it seems, the author spends many pages discussing the wide applicability of his ideas, but he never bothered to recognize his own text is laconic. Quite frankly, the book became a slog to push through despite its small size. The last few chapters were better than what preceded them, but those 30 decent pages do not make up for the remainder.He must have either not applied his ideas to this book or actively designed this layout to make the ideas seem more powerful given how difficult it is to push on.

For all the thinking the author has done on human interactions, one would think he would know pedagogical techniques that help someone learn and apply new ideas. One does not learn how to speak English by memorizing a hundred vocabulary words and then diagramming sentences. And you certainly don't expect these steps will turn you into Shakespeare. But the author seems to disagree and explains how to diagram sentences all why telling you just how marvelous the language is. In the book (and his blog posts for that matter), he prefers to lay a foundation of elementary ideas in great detail and then hurriedly tries to bring these elements back into a larger idea. This style works well for shorter online posts, but it falls flat with even this small book. The ideas of the middle chapters are presented in disjointed fashion with little clarification as to how they fit into the larger structure. Then the last few chapters makes tenuous connections, which fall flat in truly fleshing out the ideas. ("Remember this thing I mentioned 3 chapters ago that I haven't talked about since? Good, but I'm not going to explain it further.") The reader is left wondering why he bothered to push through the middle chapters.

Finally, the ideas presented in the book are nowhere near as groundbreaking as the author and reviewers on Amazon suggest. Did you know that there is a tempo to everything in the world? That is, everything has a "rhythm, emotion, and energy." This seems apparent. Did you know everything in the world must be viewed through a mental model? Again, this has been covered before by others. Did you know that with an understanding the ongoing mental model of a person and a sense of timing, you can influence an outcome to your advantage? Wow...groundbreaking stuff.

Apparently, the author suggests it is not that these individual ideas are new, but rather the book is a "work of broad synthesis and integration." Please. Mentioning Napoleon in one sentence and email in another does represent some new, broader understanding of human and nonhuman action.

I conclude with the author's quote from a former student who said: "I like the material, but I don't yet see the thin red line connecting all the ideas." The author apparently set out with clarifying the connections with this book, but that task remains unaccomplished.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Life lessons in timing, tactics and strategy.
"Tempo" is a dense, yet highly approachable treatment of various topics around decision-making. However, instead of a dull, boring and academic book one might expect from a PhD, this is thought-provoking and (at many points) entertaining. Rao's approach of the subject is rather unorthodox by simply making his theory immediately applicable with "real-life" examples.

As Rao mentions in the book, much of the material is a synthesis of various authors and fields. The scope of "Tempo" is wide in the variety of fields that he draws upon, yet narrow enough in the distillation of core concepts explained in clear language. Tongue-in-cheek, I would liken "Tempo" as a mix of 1/3-Taleb, 1/3-Gladwell and 1/3-self-help. Unlike many existing books on the idea of cognitive biases and how our brains can fool or lead us astry, Tempo takes a more meta view that paradoxically allows one to literally view their life within the context of an ultimately richer narrative.

For me, many of the concepts Rao explains resonated with my previously subconscious understanding of the world at large, bringing into sharp focus certain aspects of life during moments of solitude and self-reflection that are now more easily explained.

I personally felt that the book was a bit on the short side, but only because I happen to have found the theory so immensely useful to me in my daily life. Rao's less formal writing style allows one to read "Tempo" in one sitting. However, upon further percolation, you would be well served to read through it again to practice the exercises used in the book. Thankfully, such exercises are perfect to explore in moments of idleness or boredom, which I've found to be the best moments for self-reflection and improvement.

As a last comment, it should be noted that Rao's blog allows one to dig deeper into the wide-ranging topics contained in "Tempo". I would hesitate to call this a tour-de-force, but it certainly comes close as a brilliant exposé into the world of decision-making and tempo in our lives. This book is highly recommended!

14 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Great ideas, poorly conveyed
By Surafel
Tempo contains great ideas: there is a "tempo" to everything from cooking to driving to conversing. Mr. Rao takes the word 'tempo' to mean something quite different from its context in music (tempo is like the frequency or speed of a song's rhythm); however according to Mr. Rao tempo is a measure of any activity consisting of three elements: rhythm, energy, and emotion. The book talks about how people make sense out of raw data, organize their thoughts and make decisions. He synthesizes ideas from physics, psychology, philosophy, war, theater, and a number of other domains. This is a great endeavor.

While the ideas are great, the way in which Mr. Rao conveys them is really poor. Mr. Rao seems to have written it in ways that are more difficult for the readers to understand than it needs to be. This could partly be due to the fact that English is not Mr. Rao's native language. More than once I have wondered whether he translated his concepts directly from his native language to English. I was frequently tempted to put down the book because of his poor writing style. Another irritating fact about Mr. Rao's writing is that throughout the book he often mentions ideas and stories related to the subject, but never discusses them in any meaningful way, and it seems he does this to just to show off that he knows them.

Mr. Rao seems to have failed to grasp that his readers may be laymen interested in learning about his ideas, using them, and perhaps improving their lives as a result. Instead, it appears as though Mr. Rao is rather speaking to an audience who are critiquing his intellectual ability or his grasp of the material. He seems to have been constricted by the need to 'stylize' his writing--to make it look more like the work of someone such as Dr. Eric Berne. (By the way, his chapter on Arhetype/Doctrine seems to be plagiarized from Dr. Berne's "Games People Play"). When someone like Dr. Berne writes about 'Doctrines', they come across to the readers as natural and original. With Mr. Rao, you can't help but cringe at the lack of flow or coherence. Why? I think (but I may be wrong), Mr. Rao is trying to be someone that he is not. To Mr. Rao: find your own proclivity, don't imitate another thinker.

The book has been constructed to be more difficult than it needs to be. You may have to read the book two or three or more times to fully appreciate the contents. Many sentences are vague, ambiguous and convoluted. I'm sure Mr. Rao is offering a substance in his sentences, but Jeez, they're just horrible constructs.

One other criticism I have about Mr. Rao's work is that his book is not as comprehensive and original as he may like to think. He tends to give the impression that his book is 'that' final synthesis of ideas on timing. Not so! He is also obsessed with coining new expressions and words, which is okay for some ideas, but I felt he often does it for the sake of doing it (for the sake of being another Eric Berne, if only he didn't come across as un-natural). He doesn't even seem to have a fair, comprehensive grasp of writers like Stephen Covey, whom he dismisses as mere "Calculative Rationalists" who don't have a good understanding about the art of timing or 'opportunism'. Mr. Rao, perhaps you should read Stephen Covey's chapter on: "Put first things first" and you may see that Dr. Covey knows about timing a lot more than you're giving him the credit for.

For interested buyers: this is a book with good ideas but bad writing; just know that you'll have to work hard to make sense out of it. Hard copy is ridiculously expensive. Publisher should consider selling it for something like $11 or $12.

See all 15 customer reviews...

Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao PDF
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Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao iBooks
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Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao Kindle

[M809.Ebook] Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao Doc

[M809.Ebook] Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao Doc

[M809.Ebook] Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao Doc
[M809.Ebook] Fee Download Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making, by Venkatesh Rao Doc

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

[B262.Ebook] Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

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Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

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Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet

Insider guidance to the modern world of investment banking today

In Investment Banking Explained, Wharton professor and global financier Michel Fleuriet provides a complete overview of investment banking in its modern form; defines key terms; identifies structures, strategies, and operational aspects; and analyzes the strategy in each of the main functional areas of an investment bank.

  • Sales Rank: #210265 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-07-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.60" h x 1.20" w x 6.00" l, 1.47 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 368 pages

From the Back Cover

A Comprehensive Ground-Floor View of Investment Banking

Everything from key terms to advanced strategies

Investment Banking Explained provides a clear overview of this complex industry. It covers the history, key terms, structures, and strategies of investment banking and breaks the business down into its respective specialties--from traders, brokers, and analysts to relationship managers, hedgers, and retirement planners--illustrating how each contributes to the industry as a whole.

Written by a high-level investment-banking veteran, this comprehensive guide examines the operations of the world's most successful firms and their shifting approach to risk. It then travels to capital markets around the world to explain how investment banks are forging their international strategies.

Investment Banking Explained is the first step to gaining a clear and complete understanding of one of the most complicated, rapidly expanding, and critically important industries in the world today.

About the Author

Michel Fleuriet, Ph.D., was the Harry W. Reynolds International Adjunct Professor of Finance, Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a professor in Paris University's Masters program in investment banking. Prior to his career in academics, Fleuriet served as chairman of HSBC France, chairman and head of investment banking at Merrill Lynch France, CEO of Chase Manhattan France, and director of M&A at Worms & CIE.

Most helpful customer reviews

24 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
A very insightful guide to the business of Investment Banking
By Jakub Kaplan
Q:What is this book about?

Professor Fleuriet is definitely an expert in his field. I read the book because I am due to have an internship at an investment bank, and I had felt that my overall knowledge about the area is fairly lacking.

"Investment Banking Explained" does what it claims to do: it gives you a straight and clear overview of all the major areas of the business. It successfully treads a fine line: neither does it give you too much detail, which would make you lost in the text, nor does it give you too little, which is something many books attempting to be clear do.

For example, Professor Fleuriet explains what a CDO is and then, yes, assumes you are familiar with what it is in order to go on in explaining further concepts based on this. You do not need to be familiar with the jargon at all, yet after reading the book you will have a good overall understanding, which is what the book aims to give you.

Another feature is Professor Fleuriet's attitude, more "describing" than "judging", when explaining the various concepts. For example, he points out that there is a fair amount of doubt as to whether a high majority of M&A transactions actually creates value for the acquiring shareholders. In other words, unlike most books claiming explain Investment Banking, Professor Fleuriet really does just that, without implicitly or explicitly telling you what you should think. It's your job to think it through and make up your mind. But that is certainly hard to do if you read about IB from one of the myriad of titles "clarifying" how IB is really just a bunch of fat, greedy bankers sitting on horrendous amounts of money. You may or may not agree with that, but probably you would like the book rather to explain what these fat, greedy bankers do in the first place. That's what you get from this title.

Considering the book was published in mid-2008, one can understand the little amount of coverage given to the recent crisis, which really started to spread widely in the news in early August 2007. Sometimes I thought, though, that the book could incorporate more on some of the revelations the recent crisis gave concerning how the various new financial structures have actually been performing. Not that I would be in the dark about it, but after reading this book, I certainly am interested on what Professor Fleuriet thinks about that.

I would like to express my thanks to Professor Fleuriet for his expert explanation. The book was certainly worth the time.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
For students, bankers, executives, researchers, investors, and regulators alike.
By Remrie Arrie
Target Audience: "I wrote this book to demystify the workings of investment banks. If you are in touch with one side or another of an investment bank--whether you are a customer, supplier, professional, or competitor--I hope that this will enable you to negotiate your way more easily. It has also been my goal to explain how investment banks really function for the many business school students who go into investment banking each year. They need to be iexperts in their area, but they also need to know what the other areas of the bank are doing if they want to be involved in solving the complex financial problems of their clients. This book should answer the many questions asked by senior executives who are selecting an investment bank.Finally, I hope that my experience in the business will prove useful for my colleagues in any of these institutions who are still wondering what the heck happens here and what course of action they should be taking in light of what investment banks have done in the past, and are doing now."


About the Author: "Michel Fleuriet is currently an associate profesor at the University of Paris-Dauphine. He is also a visiting professor with the international business schools in China (CKGSB), Brazil (FDC), and the United States (Wharton).

Fleuriet spent hhalf of his professional career in the academic world and half as an investment banker. He started his career as a lawyer at the Paris bar....."

He became an assistant, assistant professor, and professor of finance at leading business schools in France, held executive positions at major investment banks.... he can walk down the aisle and receive diplomas in his sleep and eats them for breakfast. yada yada yada.....

In other words, simply put, this guy got skillz! This author is extremely intelligent in this topic and it shows. This book appears to be have been proof read by financial and literary gods, it is seemingly perfect in every detail you could ever hope for in a professional, informational, and educational business book that is thorough with notes and sources.

While this book is not my favorite financial, business, investing book, I have to say it is by far the best book I have ever read. Thoroughly enjoyed and this is the first and foremost recommended book on investment banking I recommend for anyone.

He holds no bias. This book does not glorify nor vilify anyone or anything mentioned. All content, sources, examples, and statistics are presented to the reader to form their own opinions, and learn how and why investment banks work.

One of the more fascinating things I learned in reading this is the apparent cat and mouse game between investment banks, and commercial banks. As well as empathy and sympathy that comes with better understanding banks for what they are and how they work, rather than blindly damning them or praising them for what they do.

This would be the financial/business banking equivalent of a book on juvenile delinquency. Ironically in some cases, this is exactly what it is!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The Book Is Mostly Obtuse Jargon
By Brent P.
Here is my opinion. And it's only my opinion and others my disagree.

If you are looking for a clear, concise, and logically structured explanation of investment banking for the average person this is not the book you want. The book is an equation infested, unstructured shot-gun blast of incomprehensible industry jargon. The book seems to have as its objective the obscuring rather than explaining the essential elements of investment banking. The banking industry is often accused of deliberately obfuscating its essential processes and this book accomplishes this end quite nicely. I have a BA in business and still found the book's "explanation" exasperatingly dense. I would recommend Investment Banking for Dummies for anyone wanting a truly clear and concise description of "what an investment bank does." However, if you have an MBA in Banking and have worked as an analyst or top manager for an investment bank for 20 years you will probably, but not necessarily, understand the explanations.

See all 14 customer reviews...

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[B262.Ebook] Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet Doc

[B262.Ebook] Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet Doc
[B262.Ebook] Ebook Download Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry, by Michel Fleuriet Doc

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

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The Terror: A Short Story, by Giles Kristian

An exclusive straight to digital short story which also includes the first chapter of Giles Kristian's God of Vengeance

AD768, Avaldsnes, Norway

Jarl Harald’s mead hall thrums with life. His people have gathered to feast on meat and mead and listen to the old tales. But the village skald, with all his talk of heroes and kings, will have to wait his turn. It is Harald himself who will hold them all spellbound this night. For the jarl has his own story to tell: a tale of adventure and courage. Of honour and of how friendship can be forged in fire and quenched in blood.

It is a story of love, too.

And of The Terror.

Praise for Giles Kristian's most recent novel, GOD OF VENGEANCE:

"Action-packed storytelling which stirs the blood and thrills the soul" (WILBUR SMITH)

"Unrelenting pace, brilliant action and characters. A masterwork." (CONN IGGULDEN)

"A glorious, bloody, perfect Viking saga, rich with the poetry of the skald, ripe with blood and glory, vengeance and heartbreak. The characters stride from the page, alive, hungry, real . . . this is Viking writing at its very best" (MANDA SCOTT)

"This is the best kind of storytelling – a saga full of blood and thunder that grabs you and doesn’t let go until long after the final page is turned" (STEVEN PRESSFIELD)

About the author:

Family history (he is half Norwegian) and his storytelling hero, Bernard Cornwell, inspired Giles Kristian to write his first historical novels, the acclaimed and bestselling Raven Viking trilogy - Blood Eye, Sons of Thunder and Odin's Wolves. For his next series, he drew on a long-held fascination with the English Civil War.The Bleeding Land and Brothers' Fury follow the fortunes of a divided family against the complex and brutal backcloth of the conflict that tore this country apart and ended with the killing of a king. In his new novel - God of Vengeance - Giles returns to the world of the Vikings to tell of the origins of Sigurd and his celebrated fictional fellowship.

Giles lives in Leicestershire. To find out more, visit www.gileskristian.com

"I loved this. It’s for people who like their historical fiction high-octane . . .a superb, brutal story that pulls no punches" (ROBERT FABBRI)

  • Sales Rank: #128531 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-11-07
  • Released on: 2014-11-07
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This story was was every bit of an epic saga!
By James Schmidt
Very good story! I have been wanting to read some of Mr. Kristian's work, and this was a great way to start! I will defiantly be purchasing the Raven series and starting the God of Vengeance when it is available in the US. I have always loved Vikings and Norse mythology and this story was was every bit of an epic saga!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Outstanding, fun short story
By Mr. A. Milne
In this short story spin-off from his latest novel, God of Vengeance, Giles Kristian takes us back a generation to tell the tale of how Sigurd's father Harald won the hand of the beautiful Grimhild in marriage. The challenge laid down to Sigurd and three others by Grimhild's father is to swim to the island of Vikaholmane and steal his rival's prize ram - a vicious beast known as 'The Terror'. With a premise reminiscent of bloodthirsty Irish legend The Tain, the story feels like it could have been torn from the pages of an ancient saga, yet is written in accessible, modern prose.

The tale is told in Giles Kristian's usual fast-paced, visceral style, with thrilling action balanced by the humorous banter between the characters and the interweaving of historical details. Fans of his Norse novels will feel right at home and should not hesitate to check this out. In fact, this is highly recommended for anyone who is a fan of Viking era historical fiction (although, technically speaking, this actually takes place slightly before the Viking era)

For newcomers to the genre however, a word of warning. The story is short and the pace fast; Kristian does not slow down to explain the terms and mythology. If you don't know Baldur from Bifrost, you may feel a bit lost here, and the use of Norwegian words such as skipsbåt, while adding authenticity, will have even experienced readers of the genre furrowing their brows.

A further note is that although the story is primarily concerned with the quest for the ram, there is a significant amount of framing, and the tale doesn't really start until about a quarter of a way in, while Kristian introduces the backdrop to the story, the existence of Sigurd as a baby and the characters who take part in the quest.

Overall however, this an excellent short story that any fan of Viking era historical fiction will take great pleasure from reading. Highly recommended.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great introduction to this author and his work
By SavoirNoir
I thought this was a very well done little story. It had verisimilitude, was dark and gritty, and still managed to convey some humor. It actually made me want to read more of the author and look at his works. There were some words (such as swiving), which I didn't understand at first glance, but I got the meaning from context.

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Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

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Media Today: Mass Communication in a Converging World, by Joseph Turow

Throughout the course of this book, Joseph Turow repeatedly highlights the key distinctions between mass communication and other forms of communication helping students to become media literate, critical consumers.

  • Sales Rank: #54257 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Routledge
  • Published on: 2013-10-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.75" h x 8.25" w x .75" l, 2.35 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 438 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition


'I have found Media Today to be the ideal text for teaching undergraduates about media industries, media professions, and media audiences. Turow takes a much-needed critical approach to examining not just media content but the structural arrangements that produce the content, and the political economy of regulation that has led to the conglomeration of today’s media companies. Diverse, inclusive, and speaking to gender and the multicultural dimensions of the media, it’s simply the best text around for an introduction to mass communications.' ―Carolyn Byerly, Professor of Media Studies, School of Communication, Howard University

'Media Today makes it clear that Turow understands the mass media industries―but not only that, he understands his audience. Thought-provoking, accessible, and engaging, Turow’s examples, illustrations, and case studies push students to think critically about the most important media-related issues of our time.' ―Samuel Ebersole, Department Chair for the Mass Communications Department & Center for New Media, Colorado State University – Pueblo

'Addressing a rapidly changing media, this 5th edition is a significant update of the excellent foundation in previous editions. Joe Turow's book offers an accessible mix of cogent histories, industry terminology/structures, and the latest trends, alongside a framework that highlights what this means for us as media users.' ―Matt McAllister, Professor of Communications, Department of Film/Video and Media Studies, Penn State University

'Turow focuses his examination of media industries on the disruptive influence of technology and, in turn, media’s ongoing adaptation. While media’s societal impact is addressed, it is the dissection of the forces influencing media industry strategies that best helps students understand the complex mediascape in which they live.' ―Nora Paul, Director, Minnesota Journalism Center, University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication

'Turow’s Media Today: Mass Communication in a Converging World, now in its fifth edition, chooses [a] cutting-edge option. This is a student-friendly publication, offering aids such as definitions of key terms, colourful infographics, case studies and end-of-chapter review questions. There’s a companion website, too, and a password-protected website for instructors.' ―Philip Kemp, THE (Times Higher Education)

‘Joe Turow’s Media Today is a thorough, insightful and highly readable textbook which has really engaged my students. The references to current cultural events and media programming and the attendant images and colorful illustrations bring the content to life and make the explanation and application of mass media theories more relatable and comprehensible than most traditional textbooks on the subject.’ ―Fritz Friedman, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Publicity, Sony Pictures and Adjunct Professor, The Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, The University of Southern California

About the Author
Joseph Turow, called by the "New York Times" "probably the reigning academic expert on media fragmentation," is Robert Lewis Shayon Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. He is the the author of "Breaking Up America: Advertisers and the New Media World", among other books, and the editor of "The Wired Homestead" (MIT Press, 2003).

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By Lisa Sheridan
I ordered this for a class. Some of the text was helpful.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Chelsea DL
I barely read this book tbh

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Seng
Came in great condition!

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Digital Wedding Photography: Art, Business & Style (Pixiq), by Steve Sint

  • Published on: 2011
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent overview ...
By zanypoet
I'm surprised that there are only two reviews of this book. This book gives plenty of practical information and advice about both the business and the artistry of wedding photography.

He shares experience in easy to read and understand writing and I find it refreshing that he isn't so dogmatic about the equipment (i.e. must have 24-70mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 and 85mm f/1.4 lenses, FF sensor and so on). He explains many things not only in technical terms but also why it makes sense from business standpoint and how to be efficient and to maximized your time and profits.

I do think people who are drawn to this field of work have high artistic sensibilities but sometimes lag behind in business acumen necessary to achieve commercial success. He addresses this issue from get go and makes no bones about what type of commitment is needed to succeed in the business.

I enjoyed his take on what his "wedding repertoire" is as well as the chapter on postures and poses. An excellent read for any budding wedding photographer.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Solid, Wide-Ranging and Well Organized
By Michael Brochstein
Whether you agree 100% or not with all of Steve's personal preferences, he carefully lays out the knowledge you'll need to be a successful wedding photographer. He has shot thousands of weddings and can probably do them in his sleep. His experience comes through in the text compared with certain other wedding photographer books where the author only started shooting weddings a few years ago. Steve has seen the field from every angle. His text (and excellent accompanying imagery) gives you both the breadth and depth of the field. Definitely one of the better (best?) books you can buy on this topic (and there are worse!). If you're deciding between books on this topic then this is definitely a safe one to choose.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Wedding Photography as a business
This is an excellent book for anyone who takes wedding photos with a real camera. (Yes, my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek for that comment)

I recently turned my hobby into a business. I'd taken many wedding photos, for friends of my sons. Turning that into a paying job required a little instruction. This book certainly filled that bill.

The author goes into many particulars about the wedding photography business. What equipment do I need? What should I pack in my bag for the day of the shoot? What should I charge? What do I do with the photos after the shoot? Best editing program? (I use Lightroom) Where do I send photos for post production?

There are also some great tips for poses and lighting.

I ordered several books on the topic. This is my go-to reference.

See all 18 customer reviews...

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Thomas Merton: Becoming Who We Are (Retreat with), by Anthony T. Padovano

Your director for this retreat,Becoming Who We Are, is Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton. The theme of this retreat is the spiritual journey of Thomas Merton and its relationship to our own era and our own lives. Merton's appeal to people derives from his ability to fuse his theology with his life and from his capacity to address the reader as if he were writing for no one else.

  • Sales Rank: #1106242 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Saint Anthony Messenger Press
  • Published on: 1996-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .7" h x 5.30" w x 8.23" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 112 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Insightful glimpse into Merton's thoughts
By J. Hale
This small book has much to offer. Padovano's insight into Merton's "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander" is especially compelling, as it should be, coming from a writer who has himself chosen not to be a bystander but instead to aspire to being perfectly normal, or rather--as Padovano might say--being normal, perfectly.
Also, Padovano's writing, here and elsewhere, offers a much needed antidote to all the goofiness that parades itself as "spiritual" or "metaphysical" in contemp culture. As Padovano says of Merton's own writing, "spirituality is biography."

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Uncommonly intelligent spirituality
By J. Hale
Padovano remarks early in this book that "biography is spirituality," and uses Merton's life to guide us back to what is sacred in our own normal lives. Indeed, for Padovano and Merton, the search for spirituality is nothing less than the pursuit of being perfectly normal--or as Padovano might say, being normal, perfectly.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Roberta Brunner
Just what I wanted Thank you

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Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

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The Eagle's Vengeance, by Anthony Riches

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The Eagle's Vengeance, by Anthony Riches

The Tungrian auxiliary cohorts return to Hadrian's Wall after their successful Dacian campaign, only to find Britannia in chaos. The legions are overstretched, struggling to man the forts of the northern frontier in the face of increasing barbarian resistance. The Tungrians are the only soldiers who can be sent into the northern wastes, far beyond the long-abandoned wall built by Antoninus, where a lost symbol of imperial power of the Sixth Victorious Legion is reputed to await them. Protected by an impassable swamp and hidden in a fortress atop a high mountain, the eagle of the Sixth legion must be recovered if the legion is to survive. Marcus and his men must penetrate the heart of the enemy's strength, ghosting through a deadly wilderness patrolled by vicious huntresses before breaching the walls of the Fang, an all-but-impregnable fort, if they are to rescue the legion's venerated standard. If successful, their escape will be twice as perilous, with the might of a barbarian tribe at their heels.

  • Sales Rank: #2535806 in Books
  • Published on: 2013
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.10" w x 6.00" l, 1.06 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 355 pages

This is fast-paced and gripping "read-through-the-night" fiction, with marvellous characters and occasional moments of dark humour. Some authors are better historians than they are storytellers. Anthony Riches is brilliant at both. Conn Iggulden A damn fine read ... fast-paced, action-packed. Ben Kane Stands head and shoulders above a crowded field ... real, live characters act out their battles on the northern borders with an accuracy of detail and depth of raw emotion that is a rare combination. Manda Scott 'Muscular in prose and approach, the novel is riveting and direct.' History Today on THE LEOPARD SWORD 'This is a fast-paced, action-packed read. Anthony Riches brings alive the harsh reality of the Roman world - the period, people, and culture - in a frenetic and exciting novel which is well researched and tinged with humour. The battle scenes are vivid and expertly told ... Difficult to put down, this is a welcome addition to the genre ... Recommended' Historical Novels Review on THE LEOPARD SWORD

About the Author
Anthony Riches has a military studies degree from Manchester University, and is the author of the Empire series, which includes Arrows of Fury, The Leopard Sword, and Wounds of Honour.

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
More of the same?
This is volume six of Anthony Riches' "Empire" series which take place at the end of the second century AD and will ultimately also cover the first decades of the third century as well. In this volume, the action takes place in AD 184.

The book has the same ingredients as the other previous episodes. It is essentially one of these "swords and sandals" (well, Roman boots anyway!) adventure stories books, but it is one of the better ones, or, perhaps more accurately, one of the ones that I prefer. The main reason for this is because Tony Riches is one of these authors who happens to be just as good as a story teller and as a historian. His historical note on the Antonin Wall (much less well-known than Hadrian's Wall) is rather excellent. His description of the Roman army, the relationships between legions and auxiliaries, between tribunes, centurions and troopers and between senators and equestrians are also well grounded and thoroughly researched.

Some readers might dislike the rather abundant "profanity" in the dialogues, with lots of swearing, slang and biological and sexual terms. One other reviewer took exception to what was seen as a transposition of the behaviour and vocabulary of modern British soldiers. The author certainly has made this assumption, and quite deliberately. However, it does "rings true" and seems rather plausible, to say the least. We do know that Roman soldiers were made to be though, rough and coarse. Assuming they weren't already so when they enlisted, they certainly became so, or else they did not last very long. In modern parlance, you could say that this was part of the "job requirements". Anyway, who expects Roman soldiers, whether legionaries or auxiliaries, to be gentile, nice and sweet, polite and well brought up?

The book does however take a while before the actions (fight against the Venicones tribe) starts coming thick and fast and finishing with Marcus Aquila (our "blue-eyed boy" Eagle) getting at least part of his revenge. The plot and machinations of the Praetorian Prefect Perennis are, to some extent, invented although quite plausible and also partly backed by the sources. The portrait that Tony Riches draws of Emperor Commodus is also a rather plausible one with his unwillingness to rule, his (rather understandable) paranoia and his bout of murderous rage.

Tony Riches has also done something similar to what Harry Sidebottom has done in his recent "Ballista" volume. There is a clear allusion to Rosemary Sutclif's classical Roman novel - another Eagle has been lost and needs to be retrieved. One of the secondary characters in this volume is a camp prefect called Artorus Castus. This was a true historical character who did serve in Britain at about that time, and NOT during the Fifth century AD contrary to what is shown in the film "King Arthur".

So, to a large extent, this one is "more of the same": if you liked the previous episodes, then you know what to expect. You will also like this one (just as I did!), although you might find that the first a hundred pages or so are a bit "slow going". Be aware, however, that it is preferable to read these volumes sequentially, and this is perhaps even more the case for this one.

Four solid stars.

PS (added on 25 September 2013): those wanting to learn more about the Antonine Wall can usefully read Osprey's "Rome's Northern Frontier AD 70-235" which presents just about enough additional context to go with this book to suit the vast majority of readers. Anyway, it worked rather well for me, so I hope it might also work for you...

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Consistent excellence
By Robert Paterson
Anthony Riches is one of a handful of writers in the Roman Military Genre that is at the top of the pyramid. Great plotting, characters, research and story are combined to offer the reader a wonderful experience. His latest book is of the highest quality.

Here we find the Tungrians back in Britannia where a few important loose ends are cleared up. Some old baddies get their deserts. We met some new ones and some new good people too. We also learn a lot about the Antonine Wall. Each book offers the reader a glimpse of part of Rome that was not well known. This part of Rome is almost never written about and we learn a lot as Riches uses it as a back drop.

But as always, it is the people that shine. One of the aspects of Riches books that I enjoy is the sense of "Mateship" between his characters. Many long for the kind of relationship that comes from spending you life and risking it over years in close contact with others. We live such shadowy lives by comparison today. The Tungrians are such a body of men. Being auxiliaries, their separateness bonds them even more strongly together. Fortunately in this volume, Riches does not kill off too many of our favourites but does end the life of one of the regulars with the kind of results that we can expect.

We find ourselves at the end of the book back in Rome for the first time. The next book is well set up by the end of this one.

Riches has chosen a very useful period in history with masses of choices for future books. I look forward to reading them all as fast as he can write them

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
One can only hope that this resolves the hunted subplot and the wonderful telling of battle and fighting goes forth unhindered
By David Wilkin
Though we seem to be in a rut for basic plot, there is an enemy who we will fight, here we see it twist and turn in the 6th outing to be a little different. Perhaps a too at device is used to give enough evidence (though without confessions signed and witnessed much seems supposition) to put an end to the plotter who targeted our hero from the first book. We do see that the usual subplot that the villain always has a man or team hunting our hero, or someone who can see through Marcus' attempt at disguise is not fully present. Though once again the villain at hand seems to know too much.

If Riches could tighten up that subplot and eradicate it, which slicing off the head might do, then this book can rise. The fight scenes are excellent. The tactical combat wonderful, and some of the dialogue makes you chortle outloud.

Yet the suspension of disbelief on whether our hero Marcus is known to live by the Preatorian Prefect, and is known to live by so many tasked with finding him that he as a declared traitor remains alive, always detracts. Conflict makes for good storytelling but this was too abused in prior books and still in this, causing a full 20% of the book to be the resolution, a disjunct part of the main story, but part of the 6 book sequence that should have had its own novel to finalize in Rome.

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Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

[O705.Ebook] Download PDF The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

Download PDF The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

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The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann  Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann  Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

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The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann  Haley-Speca, Robert Gower

Kindle Edition, Full Book: Available as a full book and also in four parts, this “gold standard” textbook now in its sixth edition has been used extensively in many colleges and school districts across the U.S. and in a number of places around the world for studying generic pedagogy aka the Knowledge Base on Teaching. Designed for both the novice and the experienced educator, The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills is a unique synthesis of the knowledge base on teaching with powerful repertoires for matching teaching strategies to student needs. Designed as a practical guide for practitioners working to broaden their teaching skills, the book combines theory with practice and focuses on 18 critical areas of classroom performance. A must for instructional coaches and mentors.

  • Sales Rank: #236365 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-01-02
  • Released on: 2012-01-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Jon Saphier is the founder of Research for Better Teaching (RBT), a professional development organization dedicated to improving teaching and learning. Besides The Skillful Teacher, Dr. Saphier is the author of other publications on teaching, leadership and school improvement, including John Adams Promise: How to Have Good Schools for All Our Children Not Just Some (2005). He devotes his time to long-term, in-depth, systemic change projects in selected districts. A masterful teacher, he conducts workshops, coaching sessions, and delivers keynotes that bring to life the principles and strategies in The Skillful Teacher.  He is active in public policy reform to promote the professionalization of teaching and leadership and has also served as a school administrator, staff developer, and teacher (K-12).

Mary Ann Haley-Speca is a senior consultant and former director of training with RBT and has worked with teachers and administrators in public, private, urban, suburban, rural and international school districts since 1990. A seasoned and engaging staff developer, she enables teachers and leaders to create school cultures and classroom environments that support high achievement for all students. She also co-authored two popular RBT publications, Activators and Summarizers. Before joining RBT, Haley-Speca served as a district-wide staff developer, program supervisor, and classroom teacher in grades 3-12.

Robert Gower is a retired professor of University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he helped develop the doctoral program in Leadership in Schooling and is still active teaching online courses for the university. His distinguished career includes being an elementary teacher, a principal, a researcher, a pioneer in the study of teaching, and a standout instructor and mentor for generations of graduate students. In 2007, he received the Faculty Excellence & Service Award and was recognized as a 2007 Honors Fellow by the University of Massachusetts.

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Low quality
By Steven Williams
I can't say a lot about the content of this book; it has been a very difficult read. Tons of research compressed into one book, hard to follow, with scattered summaries that don't follow the main text sequence. But what I would really like to comment on is the Kindle experience.

This book is one of two required texts for an education class I am taking. My friend has the print edition, so I have been able to compare. Two major negative points jumped out to me at once:

First, the tables, figures, and other graphics are super low quality. All of these are bitmaps or some other raster type (whatever Kindle uses for eBooks, I assume) One cannot zoom in on them without changing the text size and losing the figure placement relative to the text. Not that it would help, though; when I do manage to get a figure to occupy the whole page, it is blurry and pixelated. My friend's print edition has beautiful figures, with precise lines and quality text. (For a typical example, those of you who can compare, look at Table 9.3.)

Second, there are no page numbers. A quote from the book's website: "While the book index is included, the page numbers have no meaning in the Kindle eBook, so it is only provided to indicate the topics that are included in the book." What nonsense! My teacher often instructs us to read the table on page such-and-such or turn to this page and read the section on whatever. I end up looking over at a friend's book, copying an exact phrase from that section into the Kindle search tool, and trying to find it that way. I think the author could even include a little "(Page 493 in the print edition)" blurb at the bottom to indicate the parallel. And the book's Contents (left hand side pullout in the Windows Kindle Reader) does not even include links to specific chapters, nor the index! I had to bookmark the index so I could go there to click on the links to chapters.

This brings up a point related to my first one. Tables, figures, and other graphics are totally rasterized, so I can't search using Kindle's tool to find "Figure 3.1" or "Table 5.2". Again, I have to copy text from around the figure from a friend's text edition, then search for that.

In summary, content aside, I feel cheated with the $49 price tag for this digital edition. Ten dollars off the print price is not worth this low quality. And I could get a used paperback copy for less. I have seen free Kindle books on Amazon with better linking and graphics. Let's hope the publishers can correct these issues soon (and without releasing another edition you have to pay for again).

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Extremely thorough. Essential for any teacher.
By J. Ward
This is an extremely thick and thorough academic textbook on every aspect of teaching in all subject areas - maths, arts, english, etc. It's not a quick read but I would consider it an absolutely essential textbook for any college student who's looking to be a teacher one day. His chapter on Objectives (lesson planning step #1) is very, very good. Absolutely highly recommend.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A Staff Developer/Administrator/Teacher Opinion
By S. Schwartz
The Skillful Teacher is an incredible tool for working with both new and experienced teachers to fine-tune their classroom skills and expectations for student behavior and achievement. It explains what can (and often does) go wrong in a classroom, gives clear examples of ways to implement classroom procedures, and cites the pertinent research to support recommendations. I have used this book (mostly in its first edition which is very similar) to work teachers for years; it is thought provoking for both needy teachers and "master" teachers. I think highly enough of this book to have given it to my son when he began teaching high school.

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[O705.Ebook] Download PDF The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Jon Saphier, Mary Ann Haley-Speca, Robert Gower Doc