Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

[Y860.Ebook] Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

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Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

  • Sales Rank: #4827057 in Books
  • Published on: 1972-06
  • Original language: Russian
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 292 pages

Language Notes
Text: English, Russian (translation)

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Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

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10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible, by Jan Stanek

10 Years Younger, launched in April 2004, was the first lifestyle series on British television to feature cosmetic surgery. Since then, increased acceptability, availability and affordability have prompted a massive rise in the number of cosmetic procedures carried out each year in the UK, with that number set to top a quarter of a million in 2007. It is now believed that 45% of women and 37% of men in the UK would consider cosmetic surgery.

10 Years Younger has undoubtedly influenced the public's perception of cosmetic surgery and here, in the 10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible, Jan Stanek openly and honestly discusses the pros and cons of each procedure. All aspects of each process are discussed - what it involves, who should consider it, what will it solve, what it won't solve, the cost, the potential risks, the potential reactions and the length of recovery. There are even before and after photos to show you what can be achieved. So, if you're considering a face lift, a boob job, a tummy tuck, or even just a Botox injection, this is the book for you.

  • Sales Rank: #3310670 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-04-30
  • Released on: 2011-04-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Jan Stanek is considered to be one of the leading surgeons in his field. He completed his medical degree at Oxford University in 1975. His private practice relies entirely on private referrals and recommendations. During his 17 years in private practice, Mr. Stanek has operated on more than 10,000 patients. He has lectured across the world, published over twenty articles in journals on surgical procedures, and written a number of books.

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Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

[H444.Ebook] Free PDF East End 1888: A Year in a London Borough Among the Labouring Poor, by William J. Fishman

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East End 1888: A Year in a London Borough Among the Labouring Poor, by William J. Fishman

East End 1888: A Year in a London Borough Among the Labouring Poor, by William J. Fishman

East End 1888: A Year in a London Borough Among the Labouring Poor, by William J. Fishman

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East End 1888: A Year in a London Borough Among the Labouring Poor, by William J. Fishman

East End 1888 is essential reading for anyone interested in social history and the history of London. Professor William Fishman shows what life was like for the labouring poor in the year of Jack the Ripper and the Matchgirls’ strike, when poverty, crime, disease and social unrest were at their height. The communal life of the street, pubs and clubs softened the brutality of the daily grind, where the sweatshop, the ghetto, the poor tenement — and the threat of the workhouse - were ever present in an age of genuine “Victorian values”.

"In the hands of virtually any other historian this would have been a depressing book. But Bill Fishman has a gift, shared with Richard Cobb, of writing about horrible subjects in such a way as to leave you thinking that there is a God in heaven after all."

Norman Stone, Sunday Times

"Fishman ís admirable book not merely enlightens us about a dead past, and excites our indignation on behalf of wrongs long since righted. It shows us a past in which we can all too clearly see the present."

Leon Garfield, Times Higher Educational Supplement

"A brilliantly perceptive study... a marvellous, vivid account of the poverty stricken world of the East End, not only scholarly and well documented but also very easy to read"


  • Sales Rank: #5966849 in Books
  • Published on: 1988-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 376 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
East London of JacK the Ripper
By steeljam@cix.co.uk
William Booth and others started their campaign for social reform in 1888 along with Barnardo. This book reviews the contemporary sources; books, papers, journals and official publications; to produce a picture of how the people in the East of London lived. These were the lowest of the low, the dregs who were punished for sleeping on the streets - even though they had no place to go. Slave labour and sweat houses were rife with conditions we would only now tolerate in dance clubs - packed together and far too hot.

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Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

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Thallium in the Environment (Advances in Environmental Science and Technology)From Wiley-Interscience

Since its discovery in 1861, thallium has been used in a variety of industrial products, from rat and ant poisons to photocells and infrared devices. But today, the increased use of thallium for emerging technologies in electronics, medicine, and other fields has also led to rising concerns about the health risks and environmental effects of this highly toxic element.

Thallium in the Environment offers completely up-to-date coverage of the environmental cycle as well as the chemical and toxicological aspects of thallium exposure. Written by an international panel of experts, the book addresses key issues concerning thallium's effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments, human health, and wildlife.

In addition to thallium's history, production, and use, specific topics include thallium sampling and analysis, transport, reproductive and developmental toxicity, speciation, and geochemistry.

Bringing together the latest information on these areas in a single volume, this book makes a vital contribution in the quest to understand and track the potential risks of thallium in the environment. It will be welcomed by professionals and students working in environmental science, chemistry, and engineering, as well as toxicology, public health, environmental control, and other areas.

The very latest information on thallium compiled in a single volume --an ideal resource for professionals and students...

Thallium in the Environment brings together the contributions of leading experts on the chemical and toxicological aspects of thallium exposure and its effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments, human health, and wildlife.

Coverage focuses on these topics:
* History, production, and uses of thallium
* Aqueous geochemistry of thallium
* Speciation of thallium in natural waters
* Thallium in the subsurface environment: its mobility in terms of Eh and pH
* Thallium in agricultural practice
* Determination of thallium by electroanalytical techniques
* Analysis of thallium in biological samples
* Human thallium toxicity
* Reproductive and developmental toxicity of thallium
* Age-dependent differences in the nephrotoxicity of thallium (I) sulfate in rats
* Thallium transport in cellular membranes
* Effect of thallium toxicity on the visual system

  • Sales Rank: #4274438 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-02-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.57" h x .79" w x 6.38" l, 1.31 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 304 pages

From the Publisher
Thallium is a soft silver-gray highly toxic metal that resembles lead. Despite its toxicity, thallium's physical properties have lead to its increased usage in recent years, including the manufacture of photocells, infrared detectors, and as a modifier to specialty glasses. This self-contained volume is organized and presented a logical manner allowing the reader to discover all aspects of thallium and its interactions with the environment. The book features contributions from an international panel of experts who address the effects of thallium exposure to aquatic and terrestrial environments, and examine the effects of thallium on humans and wildlife.

From the Inside Flap
Since its discovery in 1861, thallium has been used in a variety of industrial products, from rat and ant poisons to photocells and infrared devices. But today, the increased use of thallium for emerging technologies in electronics, medicine, and other fields has also led to rising concerns about the health risks and environmental effects of this highly toxic element. Thallium in the Environment offers completely up-to-date coverage of the environmental cycle as well as the chemical and toxicological aspects of thallium exposure. Written by an international panel of experts, the book addresses key issues concerning thallium’s effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments, human health, and wildlife. In addition to thallium’s history, production, and use, specific topics include thallium sampling and analysis, transport, reproductive and developmental toxicity, speciation, and geochemistry. Bringing together the latest information on these areas in a single volume, this book makes a vital contribution in the quest to understand and track the potential risks of thallium in the environment. It will be welcomed by professionals and students working in environmental science, chemistry, and engineering, as well as toxicology, public health, environmental control, and other areas.

From the Back Cover
Since its discovery in 1861, thallium has been used in a variety of industrial products, from rat and ant poisons to photocells and infrared devices. But today, the increased use of thallium for emerging technologies in electronics, medicine, and other fields has also led to rising concerns about the health risks and environmental effects of this highly toxic element.

Thallium in the Environment offers completely up-to-date coverage of the environmental cycle as well as the chemical and toxicological aspects of thallium exposure. Written by an international panel of experts, the book addresses key issues concerning thallium's effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments, human health, and wildlife.

In addition to thallium's history, production, and use, specific topics include thallium sampling and analysis, transport, reproductive and developmental toxicity, speciation, and geochemistry.

Bringing together the latest information on these areas in a single volume, this book makes a vital contribution in the quest to understand and track the potential risks of thallium in the environment. It will be welcomed by professionals and students working in environmental science, chemistry, and engineering, as well as toxicology, public health, environmental control, and other areas.

The very latest information on thallium compiled in a single volume —an ideal resource for professionals and students...

Thallium in the Environment brings together the contributions of leading experts on the chemical and toxicological aspects of thallium exposure and its effects on aquatic and terrestrial environments, human health, and wildlife.

Coverage focuses on these topics:

  • History, production, and uses of thallium
  • Aqueous geochemistry of thallium
  • Speciation of thallium in natural waters
  • Thallium in the subsurface environment: its mobility in terms of Eh and pH
  • Thallium in agricultural practice
  • Determination of thallium by electroanalytical techniques
  • Analysis of thallium in biological samples
  • Human thallium toxicity
  • Reproductive and developmental toxicity of thallium
  • Age-dependent differences in the nephrotoxicity of thallium (I) sulfate in rats
  • Thallium transport in cellular membranes
  • Effect of thallium toxicity on the visual system

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Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

[U503.Ebook] Ebook Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

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Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

Ebook Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

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Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses

(Bass Guitar Series). The matching folio to the hit album arranged for bass with tab. Twelve songs in all, including: Sweet Child O' Mine * Welcome to the Jungle * Paradise City * and more.

  • Sales Rank: #1108313 in Books
  • Brand: Cherry Lane
  • Model: 2506966
  • Published on: 1989-02
  • Released on: 1989-02-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 12.00" h x .23" w x 9.00" l, .65 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 86 pages
  • 86 pagesSize: 12" x 9"Artist: Guns N' RosesISBN: 895244160

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic Book
By Amazon Customer
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! If you really want to sit and learn the stylings of Duff McKagan, this book is great for it. While he does tend to play his bass as though he's playing guitar (which is certainly not terrible), he does have a unique style and sound that I have always enjoyed. His work on this album was a lot different than the UYI albums, as the bass lines there were minimalized quite a bit compared to Appetite (they're still great albums).

Be patient and don't expect to have every song down pat within a day or two. Take your time, song by song, and practice, practice, practice. Before you know it, you'll be jamming right along.

2 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Appetite for Destruction : Bass Guitar
By andrew
i thought ''Appetite for Destruction : Bass Guitar'' was reallya great transcription for bass guitar of a great album. i has musicand tab for all the songs. my favorite song is "Sweet Child of Mine" the bass line is modereratly easy and fun to play. i gave it a 5 because it is well written and easy to figure out

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Bass Bible
By Mr. M. Wand
This truely is a great bass tab book for a great album! Beginners to experienced players could do alot worse than learn from the basslines Duff McKagan plays on Appetite!

Buy this book!

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[U503.Ebook] Ebook Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses Doc

[U503.Ebook] Ebook Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses Doc
[U503.Ebook] Ebook Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction (Bass Guitar), by Guns N' Roses Doc

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

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Structural DNA Nanotechnology, by Nadrian C. Seeman

Structural DNA Nanotechnology, by Nadrian C. Seeman

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Structural DNA Nanotechnology, by Nadrian C. Seeman

Written by the founder of the field, this is the first text of its kind, providing a definitive introduction to structural DNA nanotechnology. Readers will learn everything there is to know about the subject from the unique perspective of the leading expert in the field. Topics covered range from origins and history, to design, experimental techniques, DNA nanomechanics devices, computing, and the uses of DNA nanotechnology in organising other materials. Clearly written, and benefiting from over 200 full colour illustrations, readers will find this an accessible and easy to follow text that is essential reading for anyone who wants to enter this rapidly growing field. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers in a range of disciplines including nanotechnology, materials science, physics, biology, chemistry, computational science and engineering.

  • Sales Rank: #1289684 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-02-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.98" h x .79" w x 5.98" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 266 pages

"The first of its kind, it will undoubtedly become the Bible for DNA self-assembly and nanoscale 3D printing. The visionary father of the field of structural DNA nanotechnology, Ned Seeman, lays out its principles lucidly and with superb graphics to match. For anyone curious about synthetic DNA technologies or in connecting these principles with current research, this is a must-have-must-read."
Yamuna Krishnan, University of Chicago

"Ned Seeman invented and pioneered structural DNA nanotechnology in the 1980s and he has been in the front line of the field since then. For many years he was alone in the field and it was considered as a mere curiosity by many scientists and ignored by most others. However, during the past 15 years the field has blossomed and today constitutes a unique approach to organize matter at the nanoscale by self-assembly. The book gives the best possible first-hand insight into this field and its amazing development."
Kurt Vesterager Gothelf, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark

"The book is an inspiring insight into the design and development of DNA motifs used as building blocks, molecular devices, and information processing tools. It is stimulating to both students and professionals with detailed introduction to blueprint composition and experimental strategies. These strategies have provided an exponential growth in the subject and established the field of DNA nanotechnology."
Natasha Jonoska, University of South Florida

"The pioneer of the field of structural DNA nanotechnology, Ned Seeman, presents the foundations, the state of the art, and the stories leading to the development of this fascinating field that today allows researchers around the globe to control matter with sub-nanometer precision by means of self-assembly. Students in nanoscience-related fields will greatly benefit from this book, and for researchers planning to work in the fast growing field of DNA nanotechnology, it is a must."
Tim Liedl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munchen

"This is a wonderful book. It systematically covers all major aspects of DNA nanotechnology, a rapidly evolving research field. Though there are multiple books and reviews that cover the current topics of this field, this book is the only one that provides insights on how this field originated, developed, differentiated, and flourished. I enjoyed reading this book particularly because of its emphasis on structural bases of DNA molecules; quite often neglected by people now. I fully expect that this book will serve as a handy reference for practitioners in the field of DNA nanotechnology, as a textbook for graduate students and undergraduate students, and also as a historic book for people studying science history. For sure, this book will be the textbook for my graduate course, bionanotechnology, at Purdue University."
Chengde Mao, Purdue University, Indiana

About the Author
Nadrian C. Seeman is the founder of the field of structural DNA nanotechnology. He is currently the Margaret and Herman Sokol Professor of Chemistry at New York University and is the recipient of a number of awards including the Sidhu Award, the Feynman Prize, the Emerging Technologies Award, the Rozenberg Tulip Award in DNA Computing, the World Technology Network Award in Biotechnology, the NYACS Nichols Medal, the SCC Frontiers of Science Award, the ISNSCE Nanoscience Prize, the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience, the Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Pittsburgh and a Jagadish Chandra Bose Triennial Gold Medal from the Bose Institute, Kolkata. He is also a Thomson-Reuters Laureate and a Fellow of the American Crystallographic Association.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Jinhyung Lee
Very good book

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
It is very good

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Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

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  • Sales Rank: #577801 in Books
  • Published on: 2012
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 733 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

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The book that makes you happy.You want to keep reading,and when it ends you want more. Just perfect. You thing you know everything about love, until start reading this.

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Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

[G223.Ebook] Fee Download The Full-Color Guide to Marvel Early Bronze Age Collectibles: From 1970 to 1973: Third Eye, Mego, F.O.O.M., and More (Full-Color Guide to

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The Full-Color Guide to Marvel Early Bronze Age Collectibles: From 1970 to 1973: Third Eye, Mego, F.O.O.M., and More (Full-Color Guide to

The Full-Color Guide to Marvel Early Bronze Age Collectibles:  From 1970 to 1973: Third Eye, Mego, F.O.O.M., and More (Full-Color Guide to

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The Full-Color Guide to Marvel Early Bronze Age Collectibles:  From 1970 to 1973: Third Eye, Mego, F.O.O.M., and More (Full-Color Guide to

THE FULL-COLOR GUIDE TO MARVEL EARLY BRONZE AGE COLLECTIBLES: FROM 1970 TO 1973: THIRD EYE, MEGO, F.O.O.M., AND MORE is here. Picking up where the Silver Age collectibles guide left off, this encyclopedic tome of Marvelmania covers all the toys, posters, fan club items, fanzines, clothing, and all other Marvel-related merchandise from the early 1970s. Hundreds of pictures are all presented in full-color with write-ups and descriptions that reflect years of research into these often obscure collectibles and the Marvel history behind them. Each Third Eye poster, puzzle, and greeting card is pictured with the source of its original art identified. All early Marvel Megos are pictured and cataloged, and tips are provided to assist collectors in determining authentic from reproduction Mego products from this era. All F.O.O.M. magazines from 1973 are indexed, and all of the club's products are pictured, and all Marvel-related fanzines of the early 1970s are featured and indexed as well. In short, this guide is the first and most complete compilation of early Bronze Age Marvel collectibles that has ever been created. Over a decade in the making, this guide aims to please even the most maniacal merry Marvel madmen out there. 'Nuff said!

  • Sales Rank: #304053 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-08-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .36" w x 8.50" l, 1.11 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 152 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
great research book of marvel 70s rarities
By Alex Haig
Pretty strong collection of early 1970s Marvel Merch in all its' splendor.
A research book of this caliber deserved hardcover treatment,
but Pages are high quality paper and reproductions.
Suggested values are laughable on some items,
most notably the Third Eye Posters which sell for extremely more than valued here.
But if you loved Marvel Comics in the early half of the 70s, it's a must have pilgrim.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Matthew B.
Loved it

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Matthew Patterson
Very enjoyable! Can't wait for next installment...

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Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

[R990.Ebook] Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

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Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Bridging The Communication Gap: Specification When writing can transform your life, when writing can improve you by offering much money, why do not you try it? Are you still very confused of where getting the ideas? Do you still have no idea with just what you are going to write? Currently, you will need reading Bridging The Communication Gap: Specification A great author is a great visitor at once. You could define exactly how you write relying on what publications to check out. This Bridging The Communication Gap: Specification could aid you to resolve the trouble. It can be among the right sources to create your creating skill.

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Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification

Bridging the Communication Gap is a book about improving communication between customers, business analysts, developers and testers on software projects, especially by using specification by example and agile acceptance testing. These two key emerging software development practices can significantly improve the chances of success of a software project. They ensure that all project participants speak the same language, and build a shared and consistent understanding of the domain. This leads to better specifications, flushes out incorrect assumptions and ensures that functional gaps are discovered before the development starts. With these practices in place you can build software that is genuinely fit for purpose.

  • Sales Rank: #1062198 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Neuri Limited
  • Published on: 2009-01-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .60" w x 5.98" l, .92 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 284 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780955683619
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

About the Author
Gojko Adzic was bitten by the specification-by-example bug five years ago. He has helped numerous teams implement these practices, written two previous books on the subject and contributed to several open source projects supporting specification by example. Gojko is a frequent speaker at leading software development and testing conferences and runs the UK Agile Testing User Group.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Much needed book.
By Bas Vodde
"Bridging the communication gap" by Gojko Adzic is a much needed book on a very important topic that finally is deserving the attention it needs: Agile acceptance testing. This practice is also known as "automated acceptance testing" or as "acceptance-test-driven development." It has evolved over the last decade, but was known and used in a relative small group. Every year there would be a couple papers on the topic, Lasse Koskela covered it a bit in his "Test-Driven" but now finally Gojko takes the subject further and devotes a whole book on it.

What is it? Agile Acceptance Testing is a technique for closing the communication gap between business, developers and testers. A way to write specifications as examples which become executable. The specification are created together in a workshop and not handed over like traditional requirements.

The book is written in four parts. The first part is an introduction to the topic, describes an overview of the technique. An important part of this part (and the whole book) is the focus on communication instead of test. This is reflected in the excellent discussion about naming. Agile Acceptance Testing is perhaps one of the most poorly named practices, but... still... thats the name it became popular with (or with A-TDD). The second part is the most important parts of the book, which describes how to write specifications, why to work with examples, how to run specification workshops and what to do after these workshops. The part ends with a discussion about change in projects and how the automated acceptance test help with that.

The third part discusses implementation. It starts with how to fit this technique in an iteration and how to adopt the practice. Next is a chapter on user stories and its relationship with acceptance tests. Then the part dives in the tools by first covering the current tools and then discussing the requirements for the future tools. The last part of the book describes the impact of agile acceptance testing on the different functions: business analyst, developer and tester.

Bridging the Communication Gap is a small book (300 pages) and is easy to read. It could have been smaller, the writing is sometimes a little too wordy. It doesn't contain too much pictures, which is too bad when a book talks so much about workshops. Yet, despite these drawbacks, I think this is an excellent book and a much needed contribution to the modern software development/agile development literature. It was one of the few practices that did not have its own book yet and Gojko provided that.

I was doubting between 4 and 5 stars for this review. 4 because this book is certainly not perfect. 5 stars because it is good still. Because this is a first in a new area and because I consider this an important area, I decided to go for 5 stars. This will certainly be a book that I will be recommending to other people (and in fact, I already have). Great work Gojko!

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Delivering Value - a cultural shift
By Lisa Crispin
Teams transitioning to agile development tend to focus on process rather than values. But you can't simply master a set of practices and be successful. Your whole team needs to understand what your business needs so you can deliver value. Your whole team needs to commit to creating a quality product.

This book not only explains how to use examples to understand requirements and create tests that drive coding, it explains the cultural shift needed for successful software development. The author explains the communication gap, why we should care about it, and how we can fix it.

Whether you're new to agile development, or are on an experienced team wondering why you keep missing or misunderstanding the business requirements, this book delivers critical value.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Bridging IT worlds.
By Amazon Customer
One of the first lessons of the book is that we in IT should pay more attention to the marketing of our methods.
Thet second big lesson that the book describes is how specifications can me made more clear by working together as a team and saving lots of time when we store the specifications in testing tools in a format that customers can read and understand.

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[R990.Ebook] Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification Doc

[R990.Ebook] Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification Doc

[R990.Ebook] Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification Doc
[R990.Ebook] Ebook Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification Doc

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

[J582.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Get Free Ebook Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), By M. Esther Harding. A job may obligate you to constantly improve the knowledge as well as encounter. When you have no adequate time to enhance it directly, you can obtain the encounter and knowledge from checking out the book. As everybody recognizes, publication Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), By M. Esther Harding is very popular as the window to open the world. It implies that checking out book Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), By M. Esther Harding will give you a new method to locate every little thing that you require. As guide that we will supply here, Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), By M. Esther Harding

Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Get Free Ebook Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

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Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books), by M. Esther Harding

Here is a classic study of the feminine principle in myths, dreams, and religious symbolism. In presenting the archetypal foundations of feminine psychology, the author shows how the ancient religious initiations of the moon goddess symbolized the development of the emotions. Understanding the psychological meaning of these initiations, she believes, can help to heal the troubled relations between men and women today.

  • Sales Rank: #588501 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Shambhala
  • Published on: 2001-05-01
  • Released on: 2001-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .75" w x 5.50" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 276 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781570626296
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"This investigation is valuable and important, not only for the specialist, but also for the educated layman, who is interested in a psychology founded on experience of life and the understanding of people."—C. G. Jung

About the Author
M. Esther Harding, M.D. was a leading Jungian analyst for many years and a founder of the Analytical Psychology Club of New York. She is also the author of Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern; Psychic Energy: Its Sources and Its Transformation; and I & the "Not-I": A Study of the Development of Consciousness.

Most helpful customer reviews

74 of 77 people found the following review helpful.
A Crime not to Re-Print this Book
By Lisa Sullivan
Please do not let this book fall into the Out-of-Print Abyss! This book is a must for anyone studying or wanting to comprehend the feminine nature, personally and archetypally. The forerunner of all current Woman Studies, its a fundamental must. Why start with the copied, watered - down versions? A classic stands the ultimate test of time, expresses the Eternal. Most women- oriented movements have given way to a Full Moon biased, illuminated consciousness, once again letting the Darker, Waning Moon consciouness disappear out of sight. Harding presents a very insightful piece on the darker more instinctual feminine, "Our women have learned human manners and emotions-pity, consideration,love;but not so far beneath the surface, slumbering in unconsciousness, the old primitive form of feminine instinct lurks, ready to spring up again and perhaps even to reassert its power over consciousness in any critical situation(p50,1971)." It takes not only someone who has achieved great Logos through her scholarly background, but someone who has lived it as well. Esther Harding is a lesser known American Treasure that needs to be brought back to life so she can continue to inspire all women striving to connect to their true feminine nature.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By William
Excellent. Another cornerstone book in Jungian psychology by an analyst other than Jung. If you are interested in the very primitive man and woman's relation to the moon, the mind, and menstruation then this book is for you.

14 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
Difficult but necessary
By Arwen Nightstar
I was handed this book in 1985. It was required reading for my training as a follower of Wicca. I can not recommend it highly enough. Dr. Harding's book was difficult to read at times, but very necessary for me. The way she wrote about intuition and history changed my life.

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