Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

[Y860.Ebook] Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

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Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

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Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov

  • Sales Rank: #4827057 in Books
  • Published on: 1972-06
  • Original language: Russian
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 292 pages

Language Notes
Text: English, Russian (translation)

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[Y860.Ebook] Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov Doc

[Y860.Ebook] Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov Doc
[Y860.Ebook] Free Ebook Theory of Optimal Experiments (Probability and mathematical statistics) (English and Russian Edition), by V.V. Fedorov Doc

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